About Me
Kayla Kwan
Fullerton, CA
Hi, I'm Kayla. I've lived in Texas, Japan and Hawaii, but California is home. Being the "new kid" and moving around a lot in my childhood taught me about social skills and inclusivity.
I am an advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves. My previous work as a pediatric occupational therapist grew my compassion for people who are labeled as "different." I saw firsthand how my neurodivergent clients exceeded every expectation put upon them. Being inspired by them, I wanted to also step out of my comfort zone. Even with my Doctorate in Occupational Therapy, I knew there was still more to learn and wanted a new challenge for myself.
Finding UX was a breath of fresh air - I love that it marries technical skills and creativity, while still being people-centered. As a UX Designer, I want to build inclusive solutions that celebrate the unique value each person brings.
I'm a lifelong learner - striving to be a better iteration of myself than I was yesterday. You can find me at OrangeTheory Fitness, listening to countless YouTube tutorial videos on many hobbies, creating Cricut DIY crafts or playing strategic board games. I'm looking to surround myself with reliable, collaborative and critical thinkers to grow. I love meeting new people - so feel free to reach out!